moderate beam (the Sun Sport has prop pockets) and an integrated transom. 2 Blade & 3 Blade bronze inboard propellers, 2 Blade & 3 Blade Aluminum Sail Drive propellers, Folding Nibral Shaft & Saildrive propellers. The bronze and aluminum mix keeps the prop malleable enough to repair if it is damaged. Comprised of nickel, bronze and aluminum, nibral propellers have a higher percentage of nickel for additional strength to handle more horsepower. Next time I an on the boat I will be doing some more sea trials and if the pitch needs changing further we will cut the blades and re weld the blades reducing the root angle some more until I get it right. View pictures and details of this boat or search for more Sea Ray boats for. Nibral is the most popular replacement alloy. When I first fitted the new prop and did some sea trials the pitch was still too great and we bent the blades a little more to reduce the pitch some more. the twist was then put in the blade by clamping the prop down and twisting each blade with a very long lever to get the mid and tip angles to the calculated values. The blade was tig welded on to the hub at the root angle.

With an 8 1/2-foot beam, a 26-inch draft and a prop protected by. The angles of the pitiching were calculated for blade root mid dia and blade tip. Locate Ranger Tugs boat dealers and find your boat at Boat TraderFuel Capacity: 150 Gal. While the two look very much alike, nibral is considered harder, stronger and more corrosion resistant. The blades were then laser cut from a template taken from my original oversize bronze prop. MaWhat is NiBrAl And how is it different from bronze In the realm of inboard propellers and ski wheels, we primarily see products made of Manganese Bronze VS NiBrAl which is an alloy blend with nickel, bronze, and aluminum. If you are looking for a durable and corrosion-resistant propeller that is easy to repair, then Nibral is a good option. What is a shaft The propeller is attached to the shaft. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. A Nibral propeller is comprised of Nickel, Bronze and Aluminum metals and is a more durable propeller. Get the item you ordered or your money back. They have similar properties, but there are some key differences between the two materials. 28 X 30 NIBRAL BRONZE 3 Blade RH Propeller 2 Bore Prop Inboard Wheel 28x30.

The hub was machined including the taper and key way. Bronze and Nibral are both alloys that are used to make boat propellers. Dual Prop American Bow Thruster (707) 586-3155 or (800) 535-5377 TRAC 8' 7.5/200 Electric' Dual Nibral bronze alloy (aluminum availabli Lewmar (203). I have just had a new prop fabricated from 316 stainless steel.